Thursday, May 19, 2011

Leslie Westreich

This is one designer that I want to learn about - Leslie Westreich.
I am not sure if he is still in Brooklyn NY?
I did see a mention that said he was in Washington DC.

Either way I understand that he has some new designs that can make a house more a of a home!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Peter Drucker on Trust

Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a product or a service that the customer does not and cannot have, and does not need if he can trust the brand. This explains the profitability of brands.
Peter Drucker

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I never say anything about Kaying

anjiao . I delete means I hum ? pls lahs hors . See those rules above the tagboard ?
I will delete with any HESITATION .
understand ?
It's already mentioned . So even if I delete it,it's not wrong or hum ji .
If never,means you pah jiao lahs hors .
Ask your mama bring you to doctor mans .
If no money,go beg for it . I never say you no money hor . I mean IF (: ahahas . just call or sms me mans . spam my blog for si mi lan jiao ? macchiam like cheebyes like thats .
haha , pls lah . come lah,don't be a coward behind your screen okay ?
Just leave your nice name (:
If you don't want to tell me who you are , why write all this thing ? haiyos . grow up .
Ask your papa tell you mans (:

No lahs . I never say anything about Kaying . I say I love kaying (:
You don't get what I mean , dumbass :D hahaha .